Methods for Plant Nucleus and Chromatin Studies: Methods and Protocols Notebook PART 1

By Bio-tech International Institute

The intricate interplay between chromatin structure and gene regulation is a cornerstone of plant biology, influencing development, adaptation, and evolution. This book, a comprehensive resource for researchers delving into chromatin biology, is designed to equip you with advanced methodologies tailored for plant systems. Each protocol is meticulously detailed, with troubleshooting tips and valuable insights, to foster reproducibility and stimulate innovation in your research.

Chapter I: Chromatin Features and Epigenetic Regulation

Introduction to Chromatin Profiling in Plants Overview of Plant Chromatin

Chromatin is a dynamic complex of DNA and associated proteins that play a crucial role in regulating gene expression and maintaining the stability of plant genomes. Unlike the static nature of DNA sequences, the structure and composition of chromatin are inherently flexible. This flexibility allows plants to adapt to environmental stimuli, developmental signals, and stress factors. This adaptability is achieved through various mechanisms, including histone modifications, DNA methylation, chromatin remodeling, and the activities of non-coding RNAs. Together, these factors influence the accessibility of genetic information.

In plant systems, the organization of chromatin is closely linked to cellular differentiation, developmental transitions, and responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Distinct chromatin regions, such as Euchromatin and heterochromatin, provide a framework for gene regulation. An open and transcriptionally active configuration characterizes Euchromatin, whereas heterochromatin is condensed and transcriptionally inactive. Understanding these structural domains is essential for uncovering the molecular mechanisms that underlie plant growth and adaptability.

Significance in Epigenetic Regulation

Epigenetic regulation encompasses heritable changes in gene function that occur without alterations in the DNA sequence. Chromatin modifications are at the core of epigenetic processes, serving as molecular signals for activating or silencing genes.

Key mechanisms include:

Histone Modifications: Covalent alterations to histone tails, such as acetylation, methylation, and phosphorylation, influence chromatin structure and gene activity.

DNA Methylation: Adding methyl groups to cytosine residues, particularly in CpG islands, mediates transcriptional repression and genome stability.

Chromatin Remodeling: ATP-dependent complexes reposition nucleosomes to modulate DNA accessibility.

Non-coding RNAs: Small and long non-coding RNAs direct chromatin modifications, contributing to targeted gene silencing and stress responses.

Epigenetic pathways play a pivotal role in regulating fundamental processes in plants, such as flowering time, seed development, and stress resilience. Notably, plants exhibit unique characteristics in their chromatin biology, including extensive DNA methylation in non-CpG contexts and RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM). These distinctive features underscore the importance of studying plant-specific chromatin, offering a fascinating avenue to enhance agricultural productivity and promote environmental sustainability.

Emerging Tools and Trends

Recent advancements in molecular biology and genomics have revolutionized plant chromatin profiling. Techniques such as chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing (ChIP-seq), assay for transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing (ATAC-seq), and bisulfite sequencing provide high-resolution maps of chromatin states and DNA methylation patterns. Single-cell and spatial genomics approaches further enhance our understanding of chromatin dynamics at unprecedented scales.

Integrating multi-omics data, machine learning algorithms, and high-throughput imaging technologies reveal complex epigenetic networks. Additionally, CRISPR-based epigenome editing tools are becoming powerful platforms for the functional validation of chromatin modifications. Together, these innovations advance the field toward precise manipulation of chromatin landscapes, addressing global challenges such as climate change and food security.

This chapter is a launching pad for exploring experimental methods and protocols to investigate plant chromatin features and their epigenetic implications. Subsequent sections will delve into specific methodologies, providing a comprehensive toolkit. By equipping you with these advanced tools and techniques, we aim to inspire and motivate you to contribute to the ever-evolving field of plant chromatin biology.

Chapter 2: ChIP-Seq for Histone Modifications in Plant Genomes

Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) has become an indispensable tool for studying histone modifications and their roles in regulating gene expression. This chapter provides a comprehensive guide to performing ChIP-seq in plant systems, detailing essential materials, protocols, and troubleshooting tips.

Materials and Reagents

Required Materials:

Plant Material: Freshly harvested plant tissue (e.g., leaves, roots, or seedlings). Cross-linking Equipment: Vacuum infiltration setup or syringe for cross-linking.


Cross-linking Solution:

Formaldehyde (1% final concentration).

Glycine (125 mM, for quenching).

Extraction Buffers:

Nuclei isolation buffer.

Lysis buffer (with protease inhibitors).


Specific antibodies for histone modifications (e.g., H3K27me3, H3K4me3).

Protein A/G Magnetic Beads: For immunoprecipitation.

DNA Purification: Phenol-chloroform or column-based purification kit.

Sequencing Library Preparation Kit: This converts ChIP DNA into sequencing-ready libraries.

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Reagents: Sequencing on Illumina or equivalent platforms.


  • Microcentrifuge.

  • Sonicator or enzymatic shearing system.

  • Magnetic rack for bead separation.

  • Thermocycler for library preparation.


Step 1: Cross-Linking

1. Harvest plant tissue (~1-2 g) and immerse in 1% formaldehyde solution.

2. Perform vacuum infiltration for 10–15 minutes at room temperature.

3. Add glycine to quench the cross-linking reaction.

4. Wash tissue thoroughly with cold water and pat dry.

Step 2: Nuclei Isolation

1. Homogenize tissue in cold nuclei isolation buffer.

2. Filter the homogenate through a nylon mesh (40–70 µm).

3. Centrifuge at 4°C to pellet nuclei.

Step 3: Chromatin Shearing

1. Resuspend nuclei in lysis buffer containing protease inhibitors.

2. Shear chromatin using a sonicator or enzymatic digestion to achieve DNA fragments of ~200–500 bp.

Step 4: Immunoprecipitation

1. Incubate chromatin with specific histone modification antibody overnight at 4°C.

2. Add Protein A/G magnetic beads and incubate for 2–4 hours with rotation.

3. Wash beads sequentially with low salt, high salt, and TE buffers to remove non-specific interactions.

Step 5: Reverse Cross-Linking and DNA Purification

1. Elute DNA from beads using elution buffer.

2. Reverse cross-links by incubating at 65°C overnight.

3. Purify DNA using a phenol-chloroform method or a commercial purification kit.

Step 6: Library Preparation and Sequencing

1. Prepare sequencing libraries from purified DNA using a suitable kit.

2. Assess library quality and quantity using a bioanalyzer.

3. Sequence libraries on an Illumina or equivalent platform.

Data Analysis

1. Quality Control: Use tools like FastQC to assess read quality.

2. Read Mapping: Align sequencing reads to the reference genome using tools like Bowtie2 or BWA.

3. Peak Calling: Identify enriched regions using MACS2 or similar software.

4. Annotation and Visualization: Use tools like HOMER to annotate peaks with nearby genes. Visualize data using genome browsers like IGV.

Troubleshooting Tips

Low DNA Yield: If you're experiencing low DNA yield, ensure you start with sufficient material and that your sonication conditions are optimized. Also, verify the specificity and concentration of your antibody, as these factors can significantly impact the yield.

High Background Noise: Perform stringent washes during immunoprecipitation. Include appropriate negative controls (e.g., no-antibody controls).

Poor Sequencing Quality: Use high-quality library preparation kits and validate libraries before sequencing.

Inefficient Peak Detection: Optimize bioinformatics parameters for peak calling. Confirm peaks using independent replicates.

This step-by-step guide provides a robust framework for conducting ChIP-seq experiments to study plant histone modifications. With careful optimization, this method can yield valuable insights into chromatin-mediated regulation in plant genomes.

Chapter 3: Profiling DNA Methylation with Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing (WGBS)

Whole-genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) is the gold standard for profiling DNA methylation at single-base resolution throughout the entire genome. This chapter offers a comprehensive protocol for WGBS, emphasizes the distinct characteristics of DNA methylation in plants, and discusses common challenges that may arise during experimentation.

Step-by-Step Preparation and Analysis

Step 1: DNA Isolation

1. Harvest Plant Tissue: Collect fresh or frozen tissue (e.g., leaves or roots).

2. Extract Genomic DNA: Isolate high-quality DNA using a DNA extraction kit or phenol-chloroform method. Ensure DNA integrity using gel electrophoresis or a bioanalyzer. Quantify DNA using a spectrophotometer or fluorometer.

Step 2: Bisulfite Conversion

1. Prepare Bisulfite Reaction Mix: Use a commercial bisulfite conversion kit.

2. Denature DNA: Heat the DNA to single-strand it.

3. Perform Bisulfite Treatment: Treat DNA with sodium bisulfite to convert unmethylated cytosines to uracil. Incubate under conditions optimized for complete conversion.

4. Desulfonation and Purification: Neutralize and purify the converted DNA.

Step 3: Library Preparation

1. Fragmentation: Shear the bisulfite-converted DNA to 200–500 bp using a sonicator or enzymatic digestion.

2. End Repair and Adapter Ligation: Repair DNA ends and ligate methylation-specific adapters.

3. Amplification: Perform PCR amplification to enrich the library.

4. Quality Control: Assess library size and concentration using a bioanalyzer.

Step 4: Sequencing

1. Load Libraries: Load prepared libraries onto an Illumina or equivalent sequencer.

2. Sequence: Perform paired-end or single-end sequencing to achieve the desired depth (e.g., 30x–50x coverage).

Step 5: Data Analysis

1. Quality Control: Assess raw sequencing reads using FastQC.

2. Mapping: Align bisulfite reads to the reference genome using specialized tools like Bismark or BS-Seeker2. Handle strand-specific data appropriately.

3. Methylation Calling: Identify methylated and unmethylated cytosines.

4. Visualization and Annotation: Use genome browsers to visualize methylation patterns and annotate regions of interest (e.g., promoters, gene bodies).

Insights into DNA Methylation Landscapes in Plants

Plants exhibit unique DNA methylation patterns compared to animals, characterized by:

Context-Specific Methylation: Methylation occurs in CG, CHG, and CHH (H = A, T, or C) contexts.

Transposable Element Regulation: DNA methylation silences transposable elements to maintain genome integrity.

Developmental and Environmental Roles: Methylation regulates key processes such as flowering, seed development, and stress responses.

RNA-Directed DNA Methylation (RdDM): Plants use small RNAs to guide methylation to specific genomic regions.

WGBS provides a powerful approach to uncovering these patterns, enabling studies of how methylation impacts gene expression and plant adaptability.

Common Challenges and Solutions

Low DNA Quality or Yield

Challenge: Degraded or insufficient DNA can compromise bisulfite conversion efficiency.

Solution: Use fresh tissue and optimize extraction protocols to obtain high-molecular-weight DNA.

Incomplete Bisulfite Conversion

Challenge: Partial conversion of unmethylated cytosines leads to false-positive methylation calls.

Solution: Optimize bisulfite reaction conditions and verify conversion efficiency using control DNA.

Sequencing Bias

Challenge: Bisulfite treatment can lead to sequence biases and coverage gaps.

Solution: Use high-depth sequencing and library preparation kits designed for bisulfite-converted DNA.

Data Analysis Complexity

Challenge: Large WGBS datasets require robust bioinformatics pipelines.

Solution: Use established tools like Bismark, employ cloud computing resources, and consult bioinformatics experts when needed.

Interpretation of Plant-Specific Features

Challenge: Distinguishing functional methylation signals from background noise in plant genomes.

Solution: Integrate WGBS data with other omics datasets (e.g., RNA-seq, ChIP-seq) for a holistic view.

This chapter equips researchers with a comprehensive workflow for conducting WGBS in plants. By addressing common challenges and leveraging plant-specific insights, this method enables the exploration of DNA methylation landscapes that shape plant development and environmental responses.

Chapter 4: RNA Immunoprecipitation (RIP) for Chromatin-Associated RNAs

RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) is a powerful technique for studying RNA-protein interactions within chromatin contexts. It provides valuable insights into the roles of chromatin-associated RNAs in gene regulation, epigenetic modifications, and genome stability. This chapter outlines the RIP protocol, highlights the unique challenges encountered in plant systems, and offers solutions to common experimental hurdles.

Identifying RNA-Protein Interactions in Chromatin Contexts

The Role of Chromatin-Associated RNAs Chromatin-associated RNAs (caRNAs) plays critical roles in regulating chromatin structure and

function. These RNAs include long non-coding (lncRNAs), small RNAs, and nascent transcripts interacting with chromatin-modifying proteins, transcription factors, and the chromatin itself.

Examples include:

Epigenetic Regulation: RNAs that recruit chromatin-modifying complexes, such as Polycomb repressive complexes, to specific genomic loci.

Genome Stability: RNAs are involved in heterochromatin formation and transposable element silencing.

Gene Regulation: RNAs modulate transcription by acting as scaffolds or decoys for chromatin-associated proteins.

RIP provides a method to capture these RNA-protein interactions, enabling the identification of RNA species bound to specific chromatin-associated proteins.

Protocol for RNA Immunoprecipitation

Materials and Reagents Plant Material: Fresh or flash-frozen tissue.

Cross-Linking Reagents: Formaldehyde (0.1–1% for mild cross-linking).

Lysis Buffer: Contains RNase inhibitors and protease inhibitors.

Antibodies: Specific antibodies against the target chromatin-associated protein.

Protein A/G Beads: For immunoprecipitation.

RNA Extraction Kit: For purifying co-precipitated RNAs.

Reverse Transcription and qPCR Reagents: For validating target RNAs.

RNA-Seq Library Preparation Kit: For high-throughput RNA identification.

Step-by-Step Procedure

Step 1: Cross-Linking (Optional)

1. Immerse plant tissue in 0.1–1% formaldehyde solution.

2. Perform vacuum infiltration for 10–15 minutes to allow cross-linking.

3. Quench the reaction with glycine (125 mM).

4. Rinse tissue with cold water and freeze immediately or proceed to lysis.

Step 2: Cell Lysis and RNA-Protein Complex Extraction

1. Grind tissue in liquid nitrogen and resuspend in lysis buffer.

2. Sonicate or use a homogenizer to lyse cells and release chromatin-bound RNA-protein complexes.

3. Centrifuge to remove debris and collect the supernatant.

Step 3: Immunoprecipitation

1. Pre-clear the lysate with Protein A/G beads to reduce non-specific binding.

2. Incubate the lysate with a specific antibody overnight at 4°C with gentle rotation.

3. Add Protein A/G beads and incubate for 2–4 hours.

4. Wash beads extensively with lysis and high-salt buffers to remove non-specific interactions.

Step 4: RNA Purification

1. Elute RNA-protein complexes from beads.

2. Reverse cross-links by heating at 65°C in the presence of proteinase K.

3. Extract RNA using a phenol-chloroform or commercial RNA purification kit.

Step 5: RNA Analysis

1. Validate specific RNAs using RT-qPCR.

2. Prepare RNA-seq libraries for comprehensive profiling of co-precipitated RNAs.

Practical Challenges in Plant Systems

Low RNA Yield

Challenge: Due to extensive secondary metabolites, plant tissues often yield low amounts of chromatin-associated RNA.

Solution: To neutralize plant metabolites, use optimized lysis buffers containing polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP). Increase starting material and ensure efficient tissue homogenization.

RNA Degradation

Challenge: RNAs are highly susceptible to degradation during processing.


  • Use RNase-free reagents and equipment.

  • Add RNase inhibitors to all buffers.

  • Work quickly on ice to prevent RNA degradation.

Antibody Specificity

Challenge: Lack of particular antibodies for plant chromatin-associated proteins.

Solution: Validate antibodies using western blot or immunofluorescence.

Use peptide competition assays to confirm specificity.

Background Noise

Challenge: Non-specific binding of RNAs or proteins can interfere with results.

Solution: Pre-clear lysates with beads before immunoprecipitation.

Perform rigorous washing steps. Include appropriate negative controls, such as no-antibody controls.

This chapter provides a framework for successfully implementing RNA immunoprecipitation in plant systems. By addressing practical challenges and optimizing protocols, researchers can uncover novel insights into the interplay between RNA and chromatin in plants. These findings have implications for understanding epigenetic regulation, gene expression, and plant adaptation to environmental challenges.

Chapter 5: ATAC-Seq for Accessible Chromatin Regions in Plants

The assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing (ATAC-seq) is a rapid and sensitive technique for mapping chromatin accessibility on a genome-wide scale. ATAC-seq provides valuable insights into regulatory elements such as promoters, enhancers, and transcription factor binding sites by identifying open chromatin regions. This chapter outlines the methodology for conducting ATAC-seq in plants and offers guidance on interpreting and visualizing the data.

Methodology for Assessing Chromatin Openness

Materials and Reagents

Plant Material: Fresh or flash-frozen tissues (e.g., leaves, roots).

Nuclei Isolation Buffers: Lysis buffer for releasing intact nuclei.

Tn5 Transposase Kit: Commercially available Tn5 transposase and adapters.

DNA Purification Kit: For cleaning transposed DNA.

Library Preparation Kit: For amplifying transposed fragments.

Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) Platform: Illumina or equivalent for sequencing libraries.

Step-by-Step Protocol

Step 1: Nuclei Isolation

1. Harvest ~50–100 mg of plant tissue.

2. Grind tissue in liquid nitrogen and resuspend in a cold nuclei isolation buffer.

3. Filter the homogenate through a nylon mesh (40–70 µm) to remove debris.

4. Centrifuge at 4°C to pellet nuclei.

5. Wash nuclei pellet with buffer and confirm integrity under a microscope.

Step 2: Transposition Reaction

1. Resuspend nuclei in Tn5 reaction buffer.

2. Add Tn5 transposase and adapters to the nuclei suspension.

3. Incubate at 37°C for 30 minutes to allow Tn5 to insert adapters into accessible chromatin regions.

Step 3: DNA Purification

1. Purify transposed DNA using a column-based purification kit.

2. Assess DNA yield and quality using a fluorometer or bioanalyzer.

Step 4: Library Preparation and Amplification

1. Amplify transposed DNA fragments using PCR.

2. Add indexing primers during amplification to enable multiplexing.

3. Perform size selection to enrich for fragments ~200–500 bp.

Step 5: Sequencing

1. Validate libraries on a bioanalyzer or equivalent platform.

2. Sequence libraries on an NGS platform, aiming for a depth of 30–50 million reads per sample.

Data Interpretation and Visualization

Step 1: Quality Control

1. Use tools like FastQC to evaluate the quality of raw reads.

2. Trim adapter sequences and low-quality bases using Trimmomatic or Cutadapt.

Step 2: Alignment and Peak Calling

1. Map reads to the plant reference genome using Bowtie2 or BWA.

2. Call peaks (accessible chromatin regions) using MACS2 or Genrich.

Step 3: Annotation of Accessible Regions

1. Annotate peaks with nearby genes using tools like HOMER or BEDTools.

2. Classify peaks into genomic features (e.g., promoters, enhancers, intergenic regions).

Step 4: Visualization of Chromatin Accessibility

1. Generate signal tracks in bigWig format using tools like deepTools.

2. Visualize tracks in genome browsers such as IGV or UCSC Genome Browser.

3. Create heatmaps or aggregate plots to compare accessibility across genomic regions.

Insights into Plant Chromatin Accessibility

ATAC-seq data can provide valuable insights into gene regulation in plants:

Identification of Regulatory Elements: Locate promoters and enhancers driving gene expression.

Dynamics of Chromatin Accessibility: Study how environmental stresses, developmental stages, or genetic modifications alter chromatin openness.

Integration with Other Omics Data: Combine ATAC-seq with RNA-seq or ChIP-seq to link chromatin accessibility with transcription and histone modifications.

Practical Considerations and Tips

Low Nuclei Yield

Challenge: Plant tissues are often rigid and rich in secondary metabolites.

Solution: Optimize nuclei isolation buffers with additives like PVP to neutralize inhibitors.

Fragmentation Bias

Challenge: Over-fragmentation can result in loss of signal from small accessible regions.

Solution: Fine-tune Tn5 incubation time and enzyme concentration.

Background Noise

Challenge: Non-specific Tn5 activity can introduce noise.

Solution: Include proper controls to filter background signals, such as nuclei from a non-transposed sample.

Data Complexity

Challenge: Plant genomes often have high repeat content and polyploidy, complicating data analysis.

Solution: Use repeat-masking tools and validate peaks against known genomic features.

ATAC-seq has emerged as a cornerstone method for studying chromatin dynamics in plants. By providing a detailed understanding of chromatin openness, this technique enables the identification of functional regulatory elements that drive gene expression, ultimately contributing to the study of plant development, adaptation, and stress responses.

Chapter 6: Using CRISPR-dCas9 Systems to Probe Chromatin Dynamics

The CRISPR-dCas9 system is a versatile tool for studying chromatin dynamics and transcriptional regulation. By fusing the catalytically dead Cas9 (dCas9) protein with effector domains, researchers can target specific genomic loci to modulate chromatin structure, gene expression, or epigenetic marks without inducing double-strand breaks.

This chapter outlines

methods for engineering dCas9 systems and their applications in transcriptional regulation studies. Engineering dCas9 for Chromatin Editing Overview of dCas9 Technology

dCas9: A modified version of Cas9 lacking endonuclease activity. It retains the ability to bind DNA sequences directed by guide RNAs (gRNAs).

Effector Domains: Functional modules fused to dCas9 to influence chromatin or transcription.

Common effectors include:

Transcriptional Activators: VP64, p300, and SunTag.

Repressors: KRAB (Krüppel-associated box) domain.

Epigenetic Modifiers: DNMT3A (methylation), TET1 (demethylation), or histone acetyltransferases.

Materials and Reagents

dCas9 Expression Vectors: Constructs encoding dCas9 fused with desired effector domains.

Guide RNA (gRNA) Vectors: Plasmids express single guide RNAs specific to the target loci.

Delivery Systems: Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, viral vectors, or protoplast transfection for plant delivery.

Plant Regeneration Media: For recovering transformed plants.

Protocol for Engineering dCas9

Step 1: Design gRNAs

1. Use bioinformatics tools (e.g., CRISPR or Benchling) to design gRNAs targeting specific genomic regions.

2. Avoid off-target effects by selecting unique sequences.

Step 2: Clone gRNAs into Expression Vectors

1. Use CRISPR expression plasmids compatible with plant systems.

2. Introduce gRNA sequences via restriction enzyme cloning or Golden Gate assembly.

Step 3: Construct dCas9-Effector Fusion Proteins

1. Use modular cloning techniques to fuse dCas9 with effector domains.

2. Verify constructs by sequencing.

Step 4: Deliver dCas9-gRNA Complex into Plants

1. Transform plant cells using Agrobacterium tumefaciens, viral vectors, or biolistic methods.

2. Regenerate whole plants from transformed cells using appropriate tissue culture methods.

Step 5: Confirm Expression and Targeting

1. Perform RT-qPCR or western blot to confirm dCas9 and gRNA expression.

2. Use ChIP-qPCR or fluorescence imaging to verify localization to target loci.

Applications in Transcriptional Regulation Studies

Activation of Target Genes Fuse dCas9 with transcriptional activators like VP64 or p300 to upregulate gene expression.

Applications: Study the role of specific genes in plant stress responses or development. Induce expression of biosynthetic pathways for metabolic engineering.

Gene Repression

  • Attach repressors such as KRAB to dCas9 to silence genes.

  • Applications: Investigate the function of non-essential genes.

  • Modulate gene expression to study adaptive traits.

Epigenetic Modifications

Fuse dCas9 with enzymes that alter DNA methylation (e.g., DNMT3A, TET1) or histone modifications (e.g., histone acetyltransferases or deacetylases).

Applications: Study the causal relationship between epigenetic marks and gene expression. Explore transposable element regulation via epigenetic editing.

Chromatin Accessibility Probing

Use dCas9 to tether fluorescent tags or chromatin remodelers to specific loci.

Applications: Visualize chromatin dynamics in live cells. Test the impact of chromatin remodeling on transcription.

Practical Considerations

Off-Target Effects

Challenge: dCas9 may bind to unintended genomic regions, causing non-specific effects.

Solution: Design highly specific gRNAs. Use next-generation sequencing (NGS) to validate targeting specificity.

Delivery Challenges in Plants

Challenge: Efficient delivery of large dCas9 constructs can be difficult in plant systems.

Solution: Optimize delivery methods for the plant species of interest. Use compact Cas9 variants or split-dCas9 systems.

Regulatory and Epigenetic Complexity

Challenge: Chromatin modifications may exhibit context-dependent effects.

Solution: Perform controls using inactive effector domains. Combine dCas9 experiments with transcriptomics and chromatin profiling.

CRISPR-dCas9 technology offers unparalleled flexibility for probing chromatin dynamics and studying plant transcriptional regulation. By integrating precise genomic targeting with diverse effector functions, this approach enables the dissection of complex gene regulatory networks and the development of new strategies for crop improvement.


Methods for Plant Nucleus and Chromatin Studies: Methods and Protocols Notebook PART 2


New Research Finds The Unexpected Role of RNA on Leaves in Shaping Microbial Communities